Saturday, February 2, 2013

Motivate Yourself - Get Fit!!

Starting an exercise routine and staying motivated are the two biggest hurdles people face when accomplishing a fitness goal. Here are a few techniques I learned during my Health Science undergrad to help you start and stick to your fitness goals (you can also apply these techniques to other goals you have in your life!!)

1. Set a Goal

Set yourself a reasonable goal tailored to your likes and needs. Do you want to gain more endurance? Do you want to run in a marathon without stopping? Do you want to lose inches or pounds? Start with one goal at a time and make sure your goals are measurable (miles, weight, inches, reps) for when you track your progress. Find out why you want to get fit and post a picture or a quote in a place where you can see it every day to remind you of your goal.

2. Make a Plan

Set yourself a strict fitness schedule. Each week make a plan of what time you will work out each day, what workouts you will do, and where. Making a schedule will leave room for no excuses.

3. Find your Obstacles

Have you tried to stick to a workout program in the past and failed? What got in the way of your success? Find out what obstacles get in the way of your goals and make a plan to overcome them.

For example, most people struggle with making time for their new goal. Don't make time stop you from reaching your goals. Wake up earlier and go to the gym, go on a walk during you lunch break, etc. If you want to achieve your goals, you will make time for it (which is why making yourself a plan is essential).

4. Make it Enjoyable

Find workouts that work for you! A fun workout will help you stick with a program. (I like to hike!) Each person has different likes and needs and not every fitness program will work for everyone. Make fitness fun so it won't feel like a chore!

5. Find a Buddy

Grab a friend and hit the trails! Having a workout buddy is a good way to keep yourself accountable while making fitness fun! Share your fitness goals and schedule with your friend and have him/her motivate you to keep going.

6. Track your Progress

Keep track of your workouts and schedule through a journal or blog. Include how you felt after each workout and what did and did not work for you. Also, having a measurable goal will allow you to visually see your progress from beginning to end as your numbers go up or down. Seeing your improvements will fuel you to keep going!

Journaling is a great way to see if your fitness plan is working for you. If you find that your goals are not being met, don't give up or lose hope! Go back and reevaluate your plan. Is there another obstacle in your way? Did you stick to your schedule? Are you regularly increasing your workouts? Tracking your workouts helps you measure your progress and evaluate your fitness needs and goals.

7. Reward Yourself

Give yourself a reward for your workouts! If you're like me and love to shop, put a dollar in a jar every time you workout; once you have $100 in the jar, treat yourself to a shopping spree! If you don't want to spend money, reward yourself with a day to yourself - free of workouts.

8. Make it a Lifestyle

Remember the hardest part about a workout program is getting started! So put on your sweats, tie up your shoes, and get your booty to the gym! That's the hardest part! Even if you go to the gym for 10 minutes and leave, get yourself in the habit if GOING. That is the number one struggle in weight loss success and obtaining your goals. Once you're in the habit of making gym time a part of your daily routine, rev up your workouts weekly and watch your fat melt!

How do you stay motivated toward your fitness goals?

xoxo LC

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